Our new website makes your certification or re-certification application submission fast and easy. Please read all information at each step in the process. Reading and following the instructions will ensure your application is processed in a timely manner. Incomplete or incorrect applications will delay the processing of your application.


Use of the practice exams is optional and not intended to be the best or only means of exam preparation.  Candidates should review the exam content outline and develop a preparation plan that best meets their needs.


Surgical Assisting involves active participation of a trained individual who is capable and able to assist the surgeon in completing a surgical procedure, safely and expeditiously. A surgical assistant functions in the role of a second physician, at the operating table. Ideally this individual should be another qualified surgeon or surgical resident; however, other licensed physicians experienced in surgical assisting would be the next choice. Non-licensed physicians or non-physicians with additional formal training and national certification as a surgical assistant are also acceptable, as deemed appropriate by the primary responsible surgeon, for the type and complexity of the surgical procedure.

THE ABSA (877-617-8345)

The American Board of Surgical Assistants (ABSA), was founded in 1987, by Paul F. Weeks, MD, ScD/PhD as a national credentialing organization, for surgical assistants. The ABSA administers a national / international certification examination, for surgical assistants, covering all surgical disciplines and all areas of perioperative medicine. The examination evaluates candidate knowledge of surgical anatomy, procedures and techniques, diagnostic studies, emergency situations, OSHA regulations and general patient safety.

We acknowledge that the role and function of a surgical assistant is to assist the surgeon, in the performance of a surgical procedure. It is understood and acknowledged that certification as a surgical assistant through the ABSA (SA-C) does not allow for any independent performance of any medical or surgical procedures, within the United States of America or its territories.

Our mission

As a leading provider of surgical assistant examination and credentialing, the ABSA strives to develop and maintain quality standards for the surgical assistant, thereby promoting safety and protection of the public. These standards include furtherment of knowledge, education and ethical conduct of the surgical assistant, through the continuation of the credentialing process and the promotion of pre and post educational training. The ABSA shall not discriminate, at any time, among applicants as to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, handicap, marital or other protected status.

The primary purpose of the American Board of Surgical Assistants is to protect the public through the establishment and maintenance of standards for the Surgical Assistant–Certified (SA-C) certification program. The role and function of a surgical assistant is to assist the surgeon in the performance of a surgical procedure. The ABSA has established certification requirements for surgical assistants practicing in the United States or its territories.

XX Years of Excellence to the Surgical Community”

1987 to Present

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